Dipolar Order Controls Dielectric Response of Glass-Forming Liquids

Till Böhmer, Florian Pabst, Jan P. Gabriel, Thomas Blochowicz

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The dielectric response of liquids reflects both reorientation of single molecular dipoles and collective modes, i.e., dipolar cross-correlations. A recent theory predicts the latter to produce an additional slow peak in the dielectric loss spectrum. Following this idea we argue that in supercooled liquids the high-frequency power law exponent of the dielectric loss β should be correlated with the degree of dipolar order, i.e., the Kirkwood correlation factor gK. This notion is confirmed for 25 supercooled liquids. While our findings support recent theoretical work the results are shown to violate the earlier Kivelson-Madden theory.
TidsskriftPhysical Review Letters
Udgave nummer20
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 15 maj 2024

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