Dimittendundersøgelse 2016: En undersøgelse af undervisningsmetoder og kvalifikationer blandt dimittender fra Plan, By & Proces-uddannelsen på Roskilde Universitet

Lise Rask, John Andersen

Publikation: Working paperForskning


This paper is a qualitative study of the professional skills acquired by students on the educational programme “Plan, By & Proces” at Roskilde University. The study is based on interviews with alumni from the programme who graduated between 2012 and 2014. The study addresses how graduates evaluate their skills and how they apply these in their respective professions. Among the acquired competences are process and project management, theoretical and practical approaches to the planning field, understanding of complexity and complex problems, access to relevant networks, critical and innovative problem solving, qualitative research methods, methods for facilitating citizen involvement, general academic competence, and analytical and academic writing. Moreover, the study addresses the graduates’ evaluation of nine experimental teaching methods employed at the Plan, By & Proces programme, including their evaluation of the general social and professional learning environment. The paper illustrates a number of examples of experimental educational formats at the programme. Finally, the paper offers a number of potential improvements for the programme based on graduates’ feedback.
UdgiverRoskilde Universitet
Antal sider23
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7349-940-5
StatusUdgivet - 2016
NavnMOSPUS Research Paper Serie


  • planning education
  • applied theory
  • experimental teaching methods
  • urban planning qualifications
  • evaluation

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