Differentiering i Undervisningen på Universitetet

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskningpeer review


Through a historical and literature based investigation of the term ‘teaching differentiation’ we discuss and investigate the question: “What is teaching differentiation in university education and how and when do we differentiate during the programs that we teach respectively?” The uncovering of the term is followed by two course examples from quantum physics and the international summer supplementation course. The courses are very different in nature, content, and placement in the different programs. We reflect on the examples separately followed by a general discussion of our findings. Our critical approach to the term, but not least to the term ‘student differentiation’ which seems to be intertwined in the general didactical understanding of ‘teaching differentiation, leads us to pull on didactical and pedagogical points from “responsibility for own learning”. We thus end up in suggesting, that student learning logs and study progress descriptions advantageously could be expanded with elements that help the student gain insight into and navigate in own learning strategies based on the particular learning environments on RUC, between courses and peer-learning.
UdgivelsesstedEnheden for Akademisk Efteruddannelse
ForlagRoskilde Universitet
Antal sider27
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2018
BegivenhedCertificate of University Teaching and Learning - Roskilde University, Roskilde, Danmark
Varighed: 1 feb. 201730 jun. 2018


KursusCertificate of University Teaching and Learning
LokationRoskilde University


  • Undervisningsdifferetiering
  • Universitetspædagogik
  • Internationale universitetsstuderende
  • Indholdsdifferentiering
  • Universitære læreprocesser

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