Development without a metropolis: nspiration for non-metropolitan support practices from Denmark

Christian Kjær Monsson

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A current discussion on the regional sciences revolves around how the economic development of non-metropolitan regions can be promoted. Inspiration may be derived from examining how practitioners operating in such regions embrace these challenges in their efforts to support business growth. For this purpose, the paper presents a case study of a regional development agency working with business support in a non-metropolitan region in Denmark. The case study demonstrates that a regional development agency can develop successful and alternative models for business support that are sometimes contrary to the universal advice replete in some types of place-based development guidelines and literature. The paper consequently formulates propositions about beneficial practices for the development of non-metropolitan territories. The essence of these is that non-metropolitan regions can benefit from initiatives focusing on the management capabilities of a broad set of regional companies rather than pursuing industry-specific ‘smart’ specialisation strategies. These initiatives can include alternative models for learning and knowledge development based on shared challenges rather than industrial relatedness
TidsskriftLocal Economy
Udgave nummer4-5
StatusUdgivet - 2014

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