Designing an energy planning concept for enhancing the dissemination of renewable energy technologies in developing countries

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    This paper stresses the need for adapting a sustainable energy planning concept, which can support the implementation of renewable energy in developing countries; exemplified by a Vietnamese case. Many developing countries heavily rely on fossil fuel resources and will face energy supply security challenges in the future. At the same time their policies on renewable energy, tools and action plans supporting renewables are weak. Thus, to support a local dissemination of renewable energy we suggest applying the sustainable energy planning concept to speed up the utilization of renewables in developing countries, while relevant policies, tools and plans etc. simultaneously are being deployed, enhancing the framework conditions for renewable energy implementation
    TitelIEEE Conference Publications
    Antal sider9
    UdgivelsesstedIEEE Explorer
    Publikationsdatomar. 2014
    ISBN (Trykt)978-1-4799-2628-2
    StatusUdgivet - mar. 2014
    BegivenhedGreen Energy for Sustainable Development - Pattaya, Thailand
    Varighed: 19 mar. 201521 jun. 2015


    KonferenceGreen Energy for Sustainable Development
    NavnGreen Energy for Sustainable Development (ICUE)

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