Den yderste højrefløj: tunge ledsætninger og andre utilpassede elementer i sætningsperiferien

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This study explores the constituent order of the right periphery of Danish sentences in modern spoken and written discourse. While it is commonly held that final nominal clauses, due to weight, are positioned ‘outside’ the sentence, very few studies have discussed exactly where this outside position is located in
relation to other right peripheral constituents. By discussing traditional accounts and criteria, it is shown that the position in question may be said to harbour not only nominal clauses and so-called ‘heavy constituents’ but a range of subclause types not previously associated with this position. Finally, the topology of extraposition (right-dislocation) and interjectionals are examined and incorporated in a suggested addition to the Danish sentence
scheme’s right periphery.
TidsskriftNy Forskning i Grammatik
Sider (fra-til)177-198
StatusUdgivet - 2016


  • sætningsskema
  • topologi
  • ledsætninger
  • tungtled
  • ekstraposition
  • interjektionaler

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