Democracy and Sense: alternatives to financial crises and political small-talk

Bidragets oversatte titel: se den danske udgave Folkestyre og fornuft

Bent Erik Sørensen

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogFormidling


    Democracy and sense questions practically all that happens in society today. Its aim is to raise a debate on the most urgent problems of economy, democracy, sustainable conduct and the framework for industry and business. A number of untraditional solutions are suggested, but without support to either rightwing or leftwing politics. In fact, one of the key points is that political parties have reduced democracy to one day of voting followed by four years of oligarchy. To regain a functioning democracy we must strengthen direct democracy and make the distance between population and government shorter.
    Bidragets oversatte titelse den danske udgave Folkestyre og fornuft
    Antal sider162
    ISBN (Trykt)978-87-93255-12-8
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-87-93255-11-1 (Kindle), 978-87-93255-10-4 (pdf)
    StatusUdgivet - 8 dec. 2015

    Bibliografisk note

    This is a general audience description of the scientific results from the book Energy, Resources and Welfare (Academic Press/Elsevier).


    • democracy
    • constitutions
    • economy
    • sustainability
    • policy

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