Danishness and the Construction of the Other: A Postmodern School-Ethnography of Dispair, Distrust and Desire

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Based oin ethnographuc studies of youth and school the article analyses constructions of Danishness as they take place in an around an educaitonal setting that sees itself as democratic, humanistic and oriented towards the global. I demonstrate how efforts of inclusion turn into its opposite positioning 'Danes' as superior to young people with an ethnic background ofher that Danish. The theoretical framework is informed by postmodern methodologies (Maclure 2006), Popkewitz's studies of cosmopolitanism and education (Popkewitz 2008) and Baudrillard's theory of the other (Baudrillard 2001)

TitelHeterogeneity : General Didactics Meets the Stranger
RedaktørerTobias Werler
ForlagWaxmann Verlag
Publikationsdato17 feb. 2012
ISBN (Trykt)978-3-8309-2609-2
StatusUdgivet - 17 feb. 2012
NavnTransformation of education - European perspectives

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