“Critical Parents Against Plaster”: The MMR vaccination drama as satirical parody

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In this study, I propose to regard written news satire as a vital vehicle in combatting scientifi c disinformation. But in order to do so, we must examine the construction of spoof news. How does written news satire convey its social criticism by way of language, discourse and style? And what happens to the content? My case is a spoof article of the 1998 MMR vaccination scandal as rendered in the Danish news satirical website Rokokoposten (2015). Th e analysis is based on Jakobson's communication model (1960), Raskin's semantic model of humour (1985) together with Ermida's (2012) and Simpson's (2003) analyses of the discourse of satire. To this will be included a novel approach which regards satire as a kind of intralingual translation. Th us, this paper sheds light on the issue of the news satirist as a knowledge broker.

Udgave nummer68
Sider (fra-til)4-24
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2 okt. 2020


  • Satire
  • news satire
  • Rokokoposten
  • vaccinationi
  • MMR vaccination
  • Discourse
  • Style

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