Creation and Communication of Environmental Knowledge within and between Communities of Practice

Ole Erik Hansen, Bent Søndergård, Jesper Holm, Søren Kerndrup

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    Building on knowledge management discussions this chapter analyses how environmental knowledge is created and transferred within and among enterprises. Communication processes in environmental management are conceived as transfer and translation of knowledge between different communities of practices and knowledge systems, each characterised by specific bounded cognition. Taking this theoretical approach, this chapter analyses specific problems related to the development and implementation of a sciencebased information system to assess and document the environmental properties of chemical.
    TitelCorporate Sustainability : Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches
    RedaktørerInes Oehme, Ulrike Seebacher
    Antal sider28
    ForlagProfil Verlag
    ISBN (Trykt)3-89019-578-3
    StatusUdgivet - 2005


    • Miljøviden
    • Miljøkommunikation
    • Kemikalier

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