Constraint-Based Abstraction of a Model Checker for Infinite State Systems

Gourinath Banda, John Patrick Gallagher

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


Abstract interpretation-based model checking provides an approach to verifying properties of infinite-state systems. In practice, most previous work on abstract model checking is either restricted to verifying universal properties, or develops special techniques for temporal logics such as modal transition systems or other dual transition systems. By contrast we apply completely standard techniques for constructing abstract interpretations to the abstraction of a CTL
semantic function, without restricting the kind of properties that can be verified. Furthermore we show that this leads directly to implementation of abstract model checking algorithms for abstract domains based on constraints, making use of an SMT solver.
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2009
Begivenhed23rd Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming (WLP 2009) - Potsdam, Tyskland
Varighed: 15 sep. 200916 sep. 2009


Konference23rd Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming (WLP 2009)

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