Circular economy in tourism and hospitality: A micro-meso-macro framework for inter-disciplinary research

L. Tomassini*, R. Baggio, E. Cavagnaro, I. Farsari, M. Fuchs, Flemming Sørensen

*Corresponding author

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This contribution elaborates on the theoretical and practical implications of the circular economy in tourism and hospitality through an inter-disciplinary approach advancing novel possibilities for future research. Acknowledging the literature gap on circular economy in tourism and hospitality as an under-researched and under-theorised area of research, this contribution identifies a set of theoretical lenses that can help to elaborate the notion of circular economy and unpack it through an inter-disciplinary approach for future research. It does so by discussing the notion of circular economy through a micro-meso-macro framework combining practice theory, network theory, complexity theory, and the spatial and mobilities turn in social sciences. The originality of this work lies in its inter-disciplinary approach based on a micro-meso-macro theoretical framework offering novel opportunities to discuss, envision, and operationalize circular regenerative processes in tourism futures in terms of multidimensional, networked, complex, practice-based, and localised processes and operations.
TidsskriftTourism and Hospitality Research
StatusUdgivet - 2024


  • Circular economy in tourism & hospitality
  • complexity theory
  • mobilities turn
  • network theory
  • practice theory
  • spatial theory

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