Changes in free amino acid content during naupliar development of the Calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa

Thomas Allan Rayner, Niels Ole Gerslev Jørgensen, Guillaume Drillet, Benni Winding Hansen

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Changes in free amino acids (FAA) were investigated in the potentially important live feed and neritic copepod species Acartia tonsa during naupliar development. Total content of FAA in A. tonsa nauplii was around 17% of dry weight at first development stage, and declined to 6% for later stages. Relative to body-volume and biomass, the FAA content indicated possible volume-dependent changes. However, changes in FAA with osmolytic activity could not account for this decline in FAA content, but suggests that the decline reflected degradation of residual FAAs from the embryonic stage. Glutamic acid revealed the largest change in relative abundance during naupliar development and declined from 29.0% at first nauplius stage to 7.1% at later stages. The high FAA pool in early naupliar stages may be necessary for naupliar development due to an absence of feeding at first development stages. The high FAA content in early nauplii indicates that A. tonsa is a valuable source for nutritional energy for first-feeding fish larvae and should be further exploited for aquaculture purposes. Enhancements to FAA abundances in nauplii through manipulation of maternal diets could be of future interest, as copepod nauplii can contain a substantial pool of FAAs at first development stage.
TidsskriftComparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology
Sider (fra-til)1-6
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 1 aug. 2017


  • Free amino acids
  • Calanoid nauplii
  • Acartia tonsa
  • Live feed
  • Glutamic acid
  • Body volume

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