Changes in formal and informal care giving in Denmark

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Along with other Nordic countries, Denmark is often portrayed as belonging to the ‘caring states’ of the Northern region, having extensive, generous and public care systems for the provision of long term care for older people. This article investigates how that situates care work, formal as well as informal, and how changes in care policy affect both provisions of care. We find that there is continued pressure on formal care work, with deteriorating working conditions but that the increasing demand for labour may affect the value of formal care work. Informal care work continues to be somewhat neglected, although becoming more important as formal care is increasingly targeted at the frailest among the old.
TidsskriftGlobal Social Security Review
Udgave nummerSpring
Sider (fra-til)1-14
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 1 maj 2020
Udgivet eksterntJa
BegivenhedKeynote presentation at the International Conference on the Future of Labor, Welfare, and Social Security," Seoul, Korea, 5 December 2019 - Seoul, Sydkorea
Varighed: 5 dec. 20196 dec. 2019


KonferenceKeynote presentation at the International Conference on the Future of Labor, Welfare, and Social Security," Seoul, Korea, 5 December 2019

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