Challenges for the work-based learning in vocational education and training

    Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


    Dual systems of vocational education and training that build on the tradition of apprenticeship, have many attractive qualities, seen from a political perspective. VET systems that comprise a significant amount of work-based training, provide a valuable alternative for young people who chose not to pursue an academic career. Countries with strong apprenticeship systems tend to have less youth unemployment and a smoother transition to the labour market than others. Furthermore, from a learning perspective, the out-comes of work-based training and informal learning are enhanced when they are combined with formal education in a dual system. But historically in many countries, apprenticeship has given way to school-based forms of VET and dual systems are only dominant in a limited number of countries. Furthermore, the integration of work-based training in an educational programme involves many challenges that question the future role and organisation of work-based training in VET. In this paper, these challenges are examined based mainly on analyses of the Danish dual system of VET. In addition, innovative solutions to these chal-lenges are discussed based on experiences from other European countries.
    Antal sider13
    StatusUdgivet - 2014
    Begivenhed2nd International Conference of ESREA’s Research Network Working Life and Learning: Workplace Learning and Development in Times of Globalization and Uncertainty - Osnabrück Univesity , Osnabrück, Tyskland
    Varighed: 31 mar. 20142 apr. 2014


    Konference2nd International Conference of ESREA’s Research Network Working Life and Learning
    LokationOsnabrück Univesity

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