Challenges for Nordic VET-systems: learning from Switzerland?

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    The systems of vocational education and training (VET) in the Nordic Countries all face a similar challenge: to offer double qualifications. The Nordic VET-systems are expected to give access not only to skilled employment, but also to higher education. As an increasing share of young people is opting for higher education, VET runs a risk of becoming a dead end in the educational system. Consequently, VET is required to offer double qualifications, and even to provide these qualifications in an integrated form as hybrid qualifications (Deissinger 2013).
    In the Nordic Countries, this challenge is not new. It has been on the agenda since the late 1960s following the crisis for apprenticeship and the growing demand for equal access to all levels of education. What is new, however, is that the challenge has intensified and the solutions developed since the 1970s don’t appear tenable today. This situation calls for new solutions to tackle the challenge of double qualifications. The question, which I will examine in this chapter, is how the Nordic VET-systems have handled this challenge in different ways and what these systems can learn from Switzerland, which is often highlighted as a model for other VET-systems.
    TitelBerufliche Bildung : historisch - aktuell - international: Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Philipp Gonon
    RedaktørerKatrin Kraus, Markus Weil
    Antal sider7
    ForlagEUSL Verlagsgesellschaft
    Publikationsdato13 nov. 2015
    ISBN (Trykt)978-3-940625-53-3
    ISBN (Elektronisk)978-3-940625-58-8
    StatusUdgivet - 13 nov. 2015

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