Caring about independent lives

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With the rhetoric of independence, new cash for care systems were introduced in many developed welfare states at the end of the 20th century. These systems allow local authorities to pay people who are eligible for community care services directly, to enable them to employ their own careworkers. Despite the obvious importance of the careworker’s perceptions of a welfare system aimed at independence for disabled people, this perspective is under‐researched. This article explores this perspective by outlining three examples of careworker strategies (a continuing carer biography, searching for new horizons and acting pragmatically) identified in a cross‐national case study of cash for care in the UK and Norway. The strategies are mainly derived by considering different positions in the labour market and different ways of carrying out this carework. Overall, the paper intends to contribute to the understanding of the complex welfare dilemma between user independence and the nature of carework.
TidsskriftDisability & Society
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)241-252
StatusUdgivet - 2010
Udgivet eksterntJa


  • Cash-for-care
  • Independence
  • Personal assistants
  • Carework
  • Careworker strategies

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