Building trust in times of crisis: Storytelling and change communication in an airline company

Roy Langer, Signe Thorup

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Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to argue for and apply a polyphonic approach to corporate storytelling and organisational change communication. A participatory action research project demonstrates how recently developed inclusive methodologies that seek to create employee participation have been applied in a case company. Design/methodology/approach – Case study based on a constructionist approach and four methodological foundations: participatory action research, co-productive methods (such as organisational photography), appreciative inquiry and strategic change communication teams. Findings – Results of the organisational change process in the case company show that the application of a polyphonic approach to organisational change communication and storytelling, appreciative inquiry and strategic change communication teams created involvement in and enactment of organisational change based on employees, own values and stories in the case company. Research limitations/implications – Further research is needed that applies the methodological foundations of this study in other organisational contexts and under different circumstances. Practical implications – The methodologies and approaches applied in this case cannot be transferred to other organisations directly, but the paper seeks to inspire practitioners with regard to inclusive and empowering approaches to change communication and storytelling. Originality/value – Argues theoretically, presents and applies recently developed constructionist approaches and co-productive methods. Keywords Change management, Storytelling, Corporate communications, Organizational culture, Airlines Paper type Research paper
TidsskriftCorporate Communications. An International Journal
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)371-390
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - 2006

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