Breaking the Silence: Between Literary Representation and LGBT Activism. Abdellah Taïa as Author and Activist

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The purpose of this article is to investigate how Moroccan author and cineaste Abdellah Taïa's work relates to growing LGBT activism in Morocco. The article begins by outlining the role of civil society in the formation of a liminal space for LGBT persons in Morocco around the time of Taïa's coming-out interview in 2006. The main focus lies on the question of silence which surrounds homosexuality in Morocco, and its connection with a larger debate about "authentic" Moroccan culture. Then, the article proceeds with an analysis of how Taïa's representational strategies in the public debate have changed in response to culturalist stereotypes about "Moroccan sexuality". It concludes with a few remarks on the role of literature within LGBT activism.
TidsskriftExpressions maghrébines
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)107-125
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2017

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