Balancing through episodic learning

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Peter Jarvis’s theory about learning suggests that human beings learn and change as a result of hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, and feeling. They change and learn by interacting with other humans, things, and events in certain time-space contexts and by reflecting upon these, as well as upon wished-for future states or past experiences, knowledge, and history, and upon what these experiences mean to one’s own self and identity. This chapter explores how female top managers have to reflect and find a balance in their work-family lives on the basis of interaction with, and inputs from, all these human and nonhuman elements. It shows how they have to overcome relational inertia related to all of them in order to succeed in obtaining such a balance. If a certain degree of balance between elements is achieved at work, as well as on the home front, the female top manager may experience being in a state of balance.
TitelThe Balanced Company : Organizing for the 21st Century
RedaktørerInger Jensen, John Damm Scheuer, Jacob Dahl Rendtorff
ForlagGower Publishing
ISBN (Trykt)9781409445593
StatusUdgivet - 2013
NavnCorporate social responsibility


  • Individuel læring
  • forandring
  • organisatorisk læring

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