Assessment of Social, Economic and Environmental Implication of Short Rotation Coppice

Azeem Tariq*, Andreas de Neergaard

*Corresponding author

Publikation: KonferencebidragPosterForskningpeer review


• SRCs have higher C sequestration potential than conventional arable land because of more biomass production and litter accumulation.
• Economic benefits of SRCs depend on the final use of products, e.g. wood chips and bioenergy on the expense of food crops.
• SRCs are advantageous for soil and biodiversity over arable crops, control erosion, provide habitats for wild fauna.
• The main reasons of famers for not being willing to adapt SRCs plantation on agricultural land includes: committing land for a long time period, lack of appropriate machinery, lack of knowledge and awareness of profitability of SRC crops, and time to financial return.
StatusUdgivet - 2014
Udgivet eksterntJa
BegivenhedTropentag 2014 - , Tjekkiet
Varighed: 17 sep. 201419 sep. 2014


KonferenceTropentag 2014

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