Assessing ecorelevance of emerging chemicals in sediments

Valery E. Forbes, Henriette Selck, D. Salvito

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferenceabstrakt i proceedingsForskning


Environmental monitoring of the Great Lakes and elsewhere has detected the presence of a wide variety of chemicals which has raised concern that these chemicals pose risks to resident species. Sediments are of particular interest due to their tendency to accumulate hydrophobic and persistent chemicals and because less is known about toxic effects of chemicals to sediment-feeding organisms than to pelagic species. Data collected on the polycyclic musks provides available evidence relevant to assessing exposure and effects in Great Lakes' sediments. Studies at Roskilde University demonstrate how effects measured on individuals can be extrapolated to the population level. The consequences of these studies and their impact on the assessment of risk will be discussed. An important message is that not all organismal or sub-organismal responses that are currently measured are relevant for protecting populations

TitelAbstract Book : SETAC North America 28th Annual Meeting
Antal sider1
ForlagSociety of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
StatusUdgivet - 2007
Begivenhed28th Annual Meeting in North America of the Society of EnvironmentalToxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Varighed: 11 nov. 200715 nov. 2007
Konferencens nummer: 28


Konference28th Annual Meeting in North America of the Society of EnvironmentalToxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
ByMilwaukee, Wisconsin

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