Arts-based co-production in participatory research: harnessing creativity in the tension between process and product

Bidragets oversatte titel: Kunstbaseret samskabelse i participatorisk forskning: at dyrke kreativitet i spændingsfeltet mellem proces og produkt

Louise Jane Phillips*, Maria Bee Christensen-Strynø, Lisbeth Frølunde

*Corresponding author

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


In participatory research, co-researchers and university researchers aim to co-produce and disseminate knowledge across difference in order to contribute to social and practice as well as research. The approaches often employ arts-based research methods to elicit experiential, embodied, affective, aesthetic ways of knowing. The use of arts-based research in co-production is embedded in a contested discursive terrain. Here, it is embroiled in political struggles for legitimacy revolving around what counts as knowledge and whose knowledge counts.
Aims and objectives:
The aim is to present and illustrate the use of a theoretical framework for analyzing the complexities of co-production in the nexus between arts and research - in particular, in the tension between cultivating the collaborative, creative process and producing specific research outputs. The article maps out the contested discursive terrain of arts-based co-production, and illustrates the use of the theoretical framework in analysis of a participatory research project about dance for people with Parkinson’s disease and their spouses-
The theoretical framework combines Bakhtin’s theory of dialogue, Foucault’s theory of power/knowledge and discourse, Wetherell’s theory of affect and emotion and work in arts-based research on embodied, affective, aesthetic knowing.
The analysis shows how arts-based processes of co-production elicit embodied, emotional, aesthetic knowing and with what consequences for the research-based knowledge and other outputs generated.
Discussion and conclusions:
Trying to contribute to both research and practice entails navigating in a discursive terrain in which criteria for judging results, outputs and impact are often defined across conflicting discourses.
Bidragets oversatte titelKunstbaseret samskabelse i participatorisk forskning: at dyrke kreativitet i spændingsfeltet mellem proces og produkt
TidsskriftEvidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)391–411
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - maj 2022


  • co-production
  • arts-based research
  • participatory health research
  • affective
  • aesthetic knowing

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