Approaches to Making Meaning with Videos

Joseph Tobin, Annegrethe Ahrenkiel, Kyunghwa Lee, Jennifer Adair

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The papers in this session explore the challenges and possibilities of making meaning from videos made in early childhood education and care settings. The four papers in this session, rather than emphasizing the presentation of findings from the authors’ video-based studies, instead take a step back from their projects to reflect on the meta-level question of how we make meaning with video, and how we might use video in various ways to reconceptualize early childhood education research, theory, and practice.The conceptual background for this session is the recent theoretical turn in the social sciences and humanities towards a focus on space, things, and bodies, a turn that has led to a rise in educational studies that use video to study spatial, material, and embodied aspects of pedagogy and life in educational and care settings.
Publikationsdatookt. 2019
StatusUdgivet - okt. 2019
Begivenhed27th International RECE Conference: Border/lands and (Be)longings - New Mexico State University , Las Cruces,NM, USA
Varighed: 31 okt. 20195 nov. 2019
Konferencens nummer: 27 (Program)


Konference27th International RECE Conference
LokationNew Mexico State University
By Las Cruces,NM

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