title = "An energy storage and regeneration system",
abstract = " The present invention relates to a method and a system for storing excess energy produced by an electric power plant during periods of lower energy demand than the power plant production capacity. The excess energy is stored by hydrolysis of water and storage of hydrogen and oxygen in underground caverns. When the energy demand exceeds the power production capacity of the plant, the stored gases are burned and the thermal energy is converted into electricity in gas turbine generators. The regenerated electrical power is then used to supplement the output of the electric power plant to meet the higher level of energy demand. ",
keywords = "Energy storrage",
author = "Niels Schr{\o}der",
note = "Patentarbejde i samarbejde med CAT. Afsluttet inden patentet blev godkendt af {\o}konomiske {\aa}rsager. Metoden st{\o}ttes af regeringens f{\o}rste klimapakke (2020) ",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
publisher = "Roskilde Universitet",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Roskilde Universitet",