Addressing mathematization obstacles with unformalized problems in physics education

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Solving a physics problem requires that the problem solver either implicitly or explicitly structure the problem situation in such a way that she can set up the mathematical equations based on the relevant physics. This part of the mathematization process has been shown to cause obstacles for students (Niss, 2016). In the paper, we show how the students’ ability to perform this mathematization process can be trained by using so-called unformalized physics problems. Some examples of how this training can be done are provided from a course on problem solving in physics taught at Roskilde University.
TitelMathematics as a Bridge Between the Disciplines : Proceedings of MACAS – 2017 Symposium
RedaktørerClaus Michelsen, Astrid Beckmann, Viktor Freiman, Uffe Thomas Jankvist
ForlagLaboratorium for Sammenhængende Uddannelse og Læring
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-92321-27-5
StatusUdgivet - 2018

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