Abstract Interpretation of PIC programs through Logic Programming

Kim Steen Henriksen, John Patrick Gallagher

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A logic based general approach to abstract interpretation of low-level machine programs is reported. It is based on modelling the behavior of the machine as a logic program. General purpose program analysis and transformation of logic programs, such as partial evaluation and convex hull analysis, are applied to the logic based model of the machine. A small PIC microcontroller is used as a case study. An emulator for this microcontroller is written in Prolog, and standard programming transformations and analysis techniques are used to specialise this emulator with respect to a given PIC program. The specialised emulator can now be further analysed to gain insight into the given program for the PIC microcontroller. The method describes a general framework for applying abstractions, illustrated here by linear constraints and convex hull analysis, to logic programs. Using these techniques on the specialised PIC emulator, it is possible to obtain constraints on and linear relations between data registers, enabling detection of for instance overflows, branch conditions and so on.
TitelSixth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
ISBN (Trykt)0769523536
StatusUdgivet - 2006
BegivenhedSixth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation - Philadelphia, PA, USA
Varighed: 27 sep. 200629 sep. 2006
Konferencens nummer: 6


KonferenceSixth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
ByPhiladelphia, PA

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