A theoretical framework for studying the co-creation of innovative solutions and public value

Jacob Torfing, Ewan Ferlie, Tina Jukic , Edoardo Ongaro

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The expansion of the scope and significance of co-creation in public policy and governance prompts the integration of different theoretical strands that together can help us illuminating the antecedentconditions, the processes of multi-actor collaboration, the creation of innovative solutions, and the assessment of their public value. Exploring the affinities and complementarities of relevant perspectives such as theories of co-creation, public value management, public innovation, collaborative governance, network governance, strategic management and digital era governance may foster a more comprehensive framework for studying the co-creation of public value outcomes such as needs-based services, effectivegovernance and democratic legitimacy. This introduction seeks to explain why we must transform the public sector in order to spur co-creation, how strategic management and digital platforms can support this transformation, and why we must bring together and synthesize different bodies of theory when studying the complex processes of co-creation and their drivers, barriers and outcomes
TidsskriftPolicy and Politics
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)189-209
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2021


  • co-creation
  • collaborative governance
  • digital era governance
  • network governance
  • public administration
  • public innovation
  • public value management
  • strategic management

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