A Study on Attendance and Academic Achievement

Kristian J. Sund, Stephane Bignoux

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


In this study we attempt to answer Romer’s (1993) question: “Should attendance be mandatory?” Contrary to many existing studies, we conclude that in the case of business and management programs the answer is ‘no’. In a study of over 900 undergraduate strategy students, spanning four academic years, we examine the link between attendance and exam results. Unlike prior research on this topic, our findings show that attendance is not the best determinant of student performance. We find instead that the best determinant of student performance for third year bachelor students is their over-all degree classification, which we see as a proxy for academic ability. We suggest that attendance may simply be a reflection of student conscientiousness, engagement and motivation. We also challenge the assumptions about gender differences found in prior research on student attendance and student performance. We do not find such differences to be consistently significant in our study.
StatusUdgivet - 2015
BegivenhedBritish Academy of Management Conference 2015 - University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, Storbritannien
Varighed: 8 sep. 201510 sep. 2015


KonferenceBritish Academy of Management Conference 2015
LokationUniversity of Portsmouth

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