A secular carbon debt from atmospheric high temperature combustion of stem wood?

Bidragets oversatte titel: Lang tids kulstofgæld fra atmosfærisk høj temperatur forbrænding af stamtræ?

Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont

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    Basically, combustion of woody biomass in high temperature processes that react with atmospheric air results in a long lasting addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. When harvesting large extra amounts of stem tree for energetic use, a global as well as secular time frame is needed to assess overall consequences with due attention given to biosphere processes, including the complex productivity of whole ecosystems. Analytically, a time dependent variable of carbon neutralization can be traced by a simple carbon neutrality or CN factor. Using the forgotten Marland approach, project managers should document, how a pay-back of the whole carbon debt incurred by their projects proceeds over time. As recommended by the European Parliament in May 2011, this methodology should be applied consistently in climate and energy policies when revising the failures of the 'instant carbon neutrality' approach for smokestack emissions that was propagated within the Kyoto process, the first phase of which is terminating in 2012. Otherwise, it is tolerated that the substitution of wood pellets for coal or other fossil fuels creates long lasting extra emissions of carbon dioxide – a mistake of climate policy which carbon trading systems as that of the EU ETS do not compensate for, but instead amplify by giving extra credits for further pollution. This contradicts the very purpose of the UNFCCC to prevent environmental degradation.
    Bidragets oversatte titelLang tids kulstofgæld fra atmosfærisk høj temperatur forbrænding af stamtræ?
    TidsskriftJournal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies
    Udgave nummer2
    Sider (fra-til)37-47
    Antal sider11
    StatusUdgivet - 14 dec. 2012

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    • kritisk realisme
    • global opvarmning
    • træpiller
    • kulstofregnskaber
    • tidsforskydning
    • livscyklus-analyse
    • kulstofkreditter
    • Kyoto proces
    • CO2-neutralitet
    • projektvurdering
    • modstand

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