A qualitative viewpoint on the Southern eurozone highly skilled labour mobility in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen in times of crisis and austerity

Alessandre Cenci

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


The paper explores patterns of skilled labour mobility from the Southern eurozone to the metropolitan area of Copenhagen by means of a qualitative micro-study. The key hypothesis is that in/outflows may not only be a consequence of the present economic crisis but may also rely on the deep-rooted, democratic-socio-cultural aspects or dissimilar policy choices of sending/hosting countries. These same aspects are expected to influence return/circular migration. In contrast to mainstream theories of international migration, this viewpoint is supported by findings which illustrate how non-economic factors can be also crucial and why enhancing beneficial return/circular migration in the Southern eurozone can be incompatible with the application of austerity.
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)551-568
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 4 jul. 2018


  • Southern eurozone
  • highly-skilled intra-EU mobility
  • push/pull factors
  • Copenhagen area
  • eurozone crisis
  • austerity

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