A Case for Embedded Natural Logic for Ontological Knowledge Bases

Troels Andreasen, Jørgen Fischer Nilsson

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We argue in favour of adopting a form of natural logic for ontology-structured knowledge bases as an alternative to description logic and rule based languages. Natural logic is a form of logic resembling natural language assertions, unlike description logic. This is essential e.g. in life sciences, where the large and evolving knowledge specifications should be directly accessible to domain experts. Moreover, natural logic comes with intuitive inference rules. The considered version of natural logic leans toward the closed world assumption (CWA) unlike the open world assumption with classical negation in description logic. We embed the natural logic in DATALOG clauses which is to take care of the computational inference in connection with querying
TidsskriftProceedings of the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
StatusUdgivet - 2014
Begivenhed6th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development : KOED 2014 - Barcelo Aran Mantegna , Rome, Italien
Varighed: 21 okt. 201424 okt. 2014
http://www.keod.ic3k.org/?y=2014 (Link til konference)


Konference6th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
LokationBarcelo Aran Mantegna

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