A 2 year follow-up of involuntary admission's influence upon adherence and outcome in first-episode psychosis

Stein Opjordsmoen, Svein Friis, Ingrid Melle, Ulrik Haahr, Jan Olav Johannessen, Tor Ketil Larsen, Jan Ivar Røssberg, Bjørn Rishovd Rund, Erik Simonsen, Per Vaglum, Thomas H. McGlashan

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    Objective:  To see, if voluntary admission for treatment in first-episode psychosis results in better adherence to treatment and more favourable outcome than involuntary admission.

    Method:  We compared consecutively first-admitted, hospitalised patients from a voluntary (n = 91) with an involuntary (n = 126) group as to psychopathology and functioning using Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and Global Assessment of Functioning Scales at baseline, after 3 months and at 2 year follow-up. Moreover, duration of supportive psychotherapy, medication and number of hospitalisations during the 2 years were measured.

    Results:  More women than men were admitted involuntarily. Voluntary patients had less psychopathology and better functioning than involuntary patients at baseline. No significant difference as to duration of psychotherapy and medication between groups was found. No significant difference was found as to psychopathology and functioning between voluntarily and involuntarily admitted patients at follow-up.

    Conclusion:  Legal admission status per se did not seem to influence treatment adherence and outcome.

    TidsskriftActa Psychiatrica Scandinavica
    Udgave nummer5
    Sider (fra-til)371-376
    Antal sider5
    StatusUdgivet - 2010

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