1 kb of the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase promoter directs post-weaning decline and small intestinal-specific expression in transgenic mice

Jesper T. Troelsen*, Anja Mehlum, Jørgen Olsen, Nikolaj Spodsberg, Gert H. Hansen, Hans Prydz, Ove Norén, Hans Sjöström

*Corresponding author

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Adult-type hypolactasia is a genetic condition making approximately one half of the human population intolerant to milk because of abdominal symptoms. The cause is a post-weaning down-regulation of the intestinal-specific enzyme lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) reducing the intestinal capacity to hydrolyze lactose. We here demonstrate that the stretch -17 to -994 in the pig LPH-promoter carries cis-elements which direct a small intestinal-specific expression and a post-weaning decline of a linked rabbit β-globin gene. These data demonstrate that the post-weaning decline of LPH is mainly due to a transcriptional down-regulation.
TidsskriftFEBS Letters
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)291-296
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 11 apr. 1994
Udgivet eksterntJa

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
AcknowledgemenWtse: t hankA netteM . Kennebo,M ona Nilsson and Jette Meller for excellentt echnicala ssistancea, nd we wish to thank HanneL ykke Hansena nd Erik Dabelsteenfo r the helpw ith the prep-arationo f the tissuef or in situ hybridizationT. his work was supported by grantsf rom The NorwegianC ancer Society,T he NorwegianR e-searchC ouncil (NAVF), The Danish Medical ResearchC ouncil and The LundbeckF oundation.T his projectw asa parto f a programu nder BiomembraneR esearchC enter,A arhus University.


  • Enterocyte
  • Hypolactasia
  • Lactase-phlorizin hydrolase
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Small intestine
  • Tissue specificity

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