دراسات في اليهوديّة العربيّة وانساقها الأدبيّة المتعدّدة: من التعالي النصّي إلى التّطريز اللّغوي والدّيني: أبو يوسف القرقساني ويافث بن علي اللاوي البصري: قراءة تطريزية للذات عبر الآخر

Bidragets oversatte titel: Studies in Arab Judaism and its Literary Polysystem : From Transtextuality to Linguistic and Religious Matrouzity: Abu Yusuf Al-Qarqasani and Japheth bin ali al-Lawi al-Basri: A Matrouzised Reading of the Self through the Other

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This scientific article aims to re-read the nature of the relationship between the components of the multiple literary system in its broad sense of Arab-Islamic civilization through the lens of two basic concepts: textual transcendence (transtextuality), as established and defined by the French Gerard Genette, and the concept of matrouzity, which I extracted from the womb of cross-cultural and multilingual practice of Arab Jews in general, and Moroccan Jews in particular. To clarify my approach to the science of comparative religions and cultures, I have relied in this scientific paper on two dimensions: the first is theoretical and the second is practical.
The theoretical explains the concept of Matrouzity through a dialogue in which the author of this scientific article engages with threatening contributions to postcolonial theory, such as Homi Bhabha’s approach, for example, in understanding the relationship between the colonialist and the postcolonial. That is, the approach that sees negotiation, rather than denial and exclusion, as an effective critical strategy for writing and reading. To talk about marginalized voices - that is, the voices of minorities in Arab-Islamic civilization, such as Arab Judaism, for example, and their creative and innovative contribution as an active component in Arab-Islamic civilization, I thought I would emphasize the necessity of double criticism through which this paper opens the way for the voice of Arab-reading Judaism through the texts of both: Al-Qawqasani and Yafith bin Ali Al-Basri, the Karaites, in two fields of knowledge: criticism of the milal and an-Nihal (history of religions and religious practices) , and Bible Exegesis. This paper also evaluates itself as a practical embodiment of the meaning of post-colonial theoretical practice through the contribution of Abdelkébir Khatibi at the level of the theory of criticism of knowledge from the position of the margin represented by the Global South.
As for the practical, it is done by dissecting the body of the literary polysystem and dismantling the materials of its tapestry through the concept of the Matrouzity , analyzing its types, and highlighting them in the attached texts. This paper also presents material texts verified for the first time by the Arab researcher, which appears at the level of intermingling of languages and their scripts with their cognitive topics and the ideological positions represented by the authors of these texts.
Bidragets oversatte titelStudies in Arab Judaism and its Literary Polysystem : From Transtextuality to Linguistic and Religious Matrouzity: Abu Yusuf Al-Qarqasani and Japheth bin ali al-Lawi al-Basri: A Matrouzised Reading of the Self through the Other
Antal sider24
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2023
BegivenhedIntellectual and Intercultural Exchanges in Arab-Islamic Civilisation - University of Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tetouan, Marokko
Varighed: 2 nov. 20223 nov. 2023


KonferenceIntellectual and Intercultural Exchanges in Arab-Islamic Civilisation
LokationUniversity of Abdelmalek Essaadi

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