This workshop brings together scientists from three Nordic research projects; Danish ECOCLIM, Swedish LAGGE and Finish SnowCarbo and relevant actors from Norway and Iceland in order to improve collaboration between researchers working with carbon (C) budget estimations. The workshop aims to strengthen the scientific basis of the identification and quantification of major natural C sinks in the Nordic region on which integrated climate change abatement and management strategies and policy decisions is formed from. The goal of the workshop is to obtain an overview of the current status and knowledge on research on assessments of the national C budget as well as on projections and sensitivity to future changes in e.g. management and climate change in the Nordic region. Furthermore, the workshop will contribute to the identification of present knowledge gaps as well as possibilities for further Nordic cooperation on C budget estimation and future climate and land use changes. Finally, a new scientific network among young scientist working on C budget assessment in the Nordic region will be initiated.
Hansen, K., Koyama, A., Lansø, A. S., Mørk, E. T. & Podgrajsek, E., 5 aug. 2013, Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. 67 s. (TemaNord; Nr. 560, Bind 2013).
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning › peer review