Sense-making through Design: Observation of Design Processes and Effects of Virtual Objects/Spaces' Design on Social Interaction in Second Life

    Projekter: ProjektForskning



     The focus of this study is to observe and discuss the meaning generation processes of participants in virtual social interaction spaces, and during design and building processes of these. To elaborate, it is intended to understand how a group of individuals explore, analyse, participate and communicate in Second Life with the purpose of designing their own collaborative contribution to the virtual world's ecosystem, and how they attribute meaning to the content of their own participation experience. It is not merely intended to analyse the RL affordances of Second Life (i.e. usability of the SL interface and the design engine, learning curve, technical requirements ); although, they are also partly in focus for their contribution in the overall experience of participation.
    1. Introduction of virtual worlds, avatar creation and general exploration in Second Life.
    2. Analysis of social interaction places/events in Second Life with students, discusion on their opinions on the role of design in virtual spaces and objects in enhancing social interaction.
    3. Design process of a given task inside Metrotopia.
    4. At the final stage, the overall experience will be questioned, and how individuals attach meaning to specific places, objects, processes and/or experiences will be observed.
    Effektiv start/slut dato31/08/200918/09/2009


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    • virtuelle verdener
    • design
    • brugerdreven innovation