Measuring the Effects of Problem-oriented Project Learning

  • Acton, Renea (Projektdeltager)

Projekter: ProjektForskning



Problem-oriented pedagogies represent an innovative approach to student learning that prioritises students’ development of (i) contextualised and integrated knowledge, (ii) proficiency in information literacies, and (iii) interpersonal capacities to generate, communicate, and justify robust solutions to complex societal challenges. This project critically synthesises recent empirical studies that evaluate the effects and processes of problem-based and inquiry approaches in disciplinary fields outside of medicine and engineering. A systematic mapping approach to the review of the research literature allows for a comparison of methodological approaches, evaluation foci, and research findings. This will then inform a research design where a suite of methods will be assembled to investigate the outcomes of this pedagogical approach at one institution.
Effektiv start/slut dato04/02/201903/05/2021