The scientific exchange with Sabina Pultz is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and aims to analyze the restricted agency of young adults in the education system and welfare state from a comparative perspective. The research stay at Roskilde University is planned for four months. The respective data sets of both researchers will be screened in order to analytically compare selected cases of restricted agency. The comparative analysis aims to examine how young adults who are either unemployed or considered to be at risk of unemployment try to maintain spaces of agencies in relation to their educational and professional trajectories within the education and welfare system. A joint publication is planned as an outcome of the scientific exchange. This publication, in turn, can serve as a basis for further research cooperation within the framework of youth studies, which takes the subjective perspective of young people as a starting point for researching their social conditions.
Kort titel | Keep Pursuing Own Professional Ambitions |
Status | Afsluttet |
Effektiv start/slut dato | 09/05/2022 → 31/08/2022 |