Collaborative governance and implementation of green skills in vocational education

Projekter: ProjektForskning



Are green reforms of vocational education implemented in the practice of vocational schools? Vocational education supplies skills needed for the low-carbon transition of Danish society, but adjusting vocational programs to the skill demands of the green economy requires that they are continuously reformed. The social partners (union and employer representatives) placed in trade committees are tasked with this adjustment of vocational programs. Given their close proximity to the labor market, they have vital insight on current and future skill demands of companies. However, they have very limited influence on the implementation of green reforms at the level of vocational schools. Without coordination between schools and trade committees, there is real risk that green
reforms do not have real effect on what is taught in class rooms. The project investigates whether green reforms are implemented and which factors support effective implementation of green skills in vocational programs
StatusIkke startet
Effektiv start/slut dato01/03/202529/02/2028