Clinical Overview

    Projekter: ProjektForskning



    The CLOVE project involves analysis, development, organizational implementation, and evaluation of systems aiming to support clinicians at emergency departments in creating and maintaining an overview. Because emergency departments are newly established in Denmark their work processes have yet to settle and become routinzed and parts of their IT support have yet to be developed. Clinical overview is highly important at emergency departments because they handle acute admissions and because their patients are frequently handed over from one group of clinicians to another within brief periods of time. In the CLOVE project we aim to support clinical overview at two levels: (a) Overview at the level of the clinical ward. (b) Overview at the level of the patient.

    The CLOVE project consists of two subprojects, one concerning clinical overview in Region Sjælland, the other concerning clinical overview in Region Syddanmark. The partners in the project are Roskilde University, Region Sjælland, Imatis, and Region Syddanmark. The project is co-funded by Innovation Norway and Vækstforum Sjælland.
    Effektiv start/slut dato01/01/201015/08/2013


    • Medical informatics, clinical overview