Overall, the project will through PRACICE-BASED COOPERATION build knowledge and capacity among innovation actors on approaches to support and accelerate Industrial Symbiosis development - and with that
BUSINESS/SME DEVELOPMENT through increased cost-effectiveness in production. The project will point a large number of companies (including SMEs) towards new business opportunities, new value chains and
new green business models.
More generally the project will furthermore develop the KNOWLEDGE BASE for the current and next generation Industrial Symbiosis practitioners. One key component is this effort will be an Industrial Symbiosis peer-topeer
exchange programme whereby practitioners from one symbiosis will work for shorter intervals of time in a neighbouring symbiosis. Both visitor and host will benefit from experience exchange and mutual learning.
A further knowledge building effort will take places through training programmes for Industrial Symbiosis practitioners.
Finally, the project will BUILD POLICY CAPACITY on Industrial Symbiosis development. To facilitate policy learning a “BSR Industrial Symbiosis Council” will be established. It will be composed of, and serve, local,
regional and national policy makers. The Council will become a resource for good policy practices on Industrial Symbiosis which will benefit stakeholder also beyond from beyond the BSR, as well as broader policy
agendas such as Europe 2020. In neighbouring Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland the project will implement a BSR Industrial Symbiosis Roadshow toward the end of the project - to directly encourage partners
there to also commence Industrial Symbiosis efforts there.
The project is funded by EU Interreg Baltic Sea.