Følgegruppe for internationalt forskningsprojekt "Public sector innovation through collaboration (PSI-CO)"

Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser


Four Belgian and one Dutch university (UAntwerpen, KULeuven, UCLouvain and ULiège, and EUR) are working together in the interuniversity consortium ‘Public Sector Innovation through Collaboration’ (September 2016- Augustus 2020), coordinated by Prof. Koen Verhoest (UAntwerpen), funded through the BRAIN program. They study how and under which conditions collaborative arrangements can lead to innovation. Moreover, they study how the federal government and other governments can stimulate and support these kinds of collaboration. Belgian collaborative cases in different policy fields are being examined, using case studies, surveys and action research (living labs methodology). The research is aimed on policy oriented finality (policy recommendations for Belgian federal and other governments) based on scientific insights with quality testing through doctorates and international publications.
Grad af anerkendelseInternational
Tildelende organisationerUniversity of Antwerp