Personlig profil


Democratic Energy Transitions project

My research focus is on the local integration of clean energy technologies in energy systems in the Nordics, Southeast Europe, and Colombia, South America. I investigate the potential of local government -, cooperative -, and community ownership models in accelerating clean energy transformations. I explore questions of participation, innovation and sustainability. I am part of the MOSPUS and TRANSITIONS research groups at Roskilde University (Denmark), the Institute for Urban Research at Malmö University (Sweden), and the Empowered Futures Research School (Norway). I work as a Part-time Lecturer at Roskilde University and as a doctoral researcher at Malmö University. I am a Double Degree PhD fellow and the project leader of the Democratic Energy Transitions project, and a co-leader of the Common Solar Futures project. 


I am a Double Degree PhD fellow at Roskilde University and Malmö University working on the Democratic Energy Transitions project. I investigate the potential to democratize and accelerate Europe’s clean energy transformation by empowering collective actors in decentralized and locally-owned renewable energy supply. The geographical scope of my work is in the Nordics and Southeast Europe. I am part of the Mobility, Space, Place and Urban Studies research group at Roskilde University, and the Institute for Urban Research at Malmö University.


Since 2022, I am teaching planning, sustainability, energy, and other technology and social science subjects to undergraduate and graduate students at Roskilde University's Department of People and Technology. I have supervised 18 students' degree projects in social science and in humanities and technology. I have been a guest lecturer at the International University of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and at Universidad Abierta de Recoleta (Chile).

Ledelse og samarbejde

Professional affiliations

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN-landene enige om 17 Verdensmål til at standse fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 7 - Bæredygtig energi
  • Verdensmål 11 - Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund
  • Verdensmål 13 - Klimaindsats

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Urban Studies, MSc, The Copenhill Crisis. The Dark Side of Planning The Greenest Waste-fired Power Plant Ever Seen., Malmö Universitet

sep. 2016sep. 2019

Dimissionsdato: 2 sep. 2019

Board of Directors education: Energy and utilities sector, Executive programme. Diploma, Copenhagen Business School


Dimissionsdato: 3 dec. 2018

History, BA, Skræk, fest og protest. Brug af kæde-sms i folkloristisk lys. (Horror, party and protest. The use of chain sms in a folkloristic perspective.), Københavns Universitet

sep. 2005sep. 2008

Dimissionsdato: 10 sep. 2008

Eksterne ansættelser

Empowered Futures Research School Member, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

1 jan. 202331 dec. 2025

Ph.D. Stipendat, Malmö Universitet

1 sep. 202131 aug. 2025


  • Miljø, Energi, Natur, Ressourcer
  • Teknologi
  • Fysisk planlægning, Bystudier


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