Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år & ph.d.
Universitetsvej 1, 26.2
DK-4000 Roskilde
Curriculum Vitae
Date of Birth: October 3, 1961
Private Address: Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 36, 4tv, Dk-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Academic degrees and distinctions
1999: Ph.D. in Sociology, Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
1991: MA. in Cultural Sociology, Dept. of Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen
1991: Awarded the gold medal from University of Copenhagen
Education and studies
2002-2004: Studies in Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, Dept. of Systematic Theology, University of Copenhagen
1999-2001: Studies in History of Philosophy and Ethics, Dept. of Philosophy, Education and Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen
1993-1997: Ph.D. education, Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
1983-1991: MA. education, Dept. of Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen
1989-1990: Study visit, Dept. of Education and Center for Feminist Research, University of Oslo
1980-1982: Studies in Political Science, Dept. of Social Sciences and Administration, University of Copenhagen
Employment (Research, teaching and study coordinator)
2006-2007: Coordinator, Graduate education in Welfare Analysis, Dept. of Society and Globalisation, University of Roskilde
2005-2006: Coordinator, MA. education in European Social Policy Analysis, Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Roskilde
2002-: Associate Professor, Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Roskilde
1999-2002: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Roskilde
1997-1999: Teaching lecturer, Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Roskilde & Dept. of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
1997: Research Assistant, Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
1994: Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Sociology and Center for Feminist Research, University of Southern California, LA, US
1993-1997: Research Fellow, Dept. of Sociology, University of Copenhagen with funding from the Danish Council for Research in Social Sciences
1991-1992: Scholar, Dept. of Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Research groups, networks and other activities
2006-: Member of the research group, Social Justice and Power, Dept. of Society and Globalisation, University of Roskilde
2006: Co organiser of and key note speaker at Ph.D.-course Welfare State(s): Equality or Recognition? Ph.D.-school, Welfare state and diversity, University of Roskilde and University of Aalborg
2005-: Member of the Editorial Board of Nordic Journal of Women's Studies (Nora)
1999-2006: Member of the research group, Welfare state and welfare society, Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Roskilde
2003-: Affiliated with the Ph.D.-school, Welfare state and diversity, University of Roskilde and University of Aalborg
2003-: Member of the research network, Religion, ethics and law, The Nordic Academy for Advanced Study
2003-: Vice chairman of The Nordic Association of Women's and Gender Studies
2001-: Expert adviser for The Nordic Academy for Advanced Study
2001: Key note speaker and supervisor at Ph.D.-course, Feminist Philosophy of Science, The National Ph.D.-programme in Feminist and Gender Research, University of Bergen, Olso, Trondheim and Tromsø
2000-2001: Co organiser of the conference, A Danish-Swedish Meeting, The Association for Gender Research in Denmark
2000: Member of the steering committee for The Association for Gender Research in Denmark
1999-: Referee, Journal of Danish Sociology; Journal of Social Theory, Distinktion; Journal of Women's Studies and Gender Research and Nordic Journal of Women's Studies
1995-1992: Member of the Editorial Board of Tendens, Journal of Cultural Sociology
Main topics of research, teaching and supervision
Feminist and queer theory; research on social differentiation; social critique; citizenship studies; theories of recognition and social justice, discourse analysis and philosophy of science, in particular poststructuralisms.
Ongoing research
Equality, Recognition and Social Justice in the Danish Welfare Society: Perspectives on Sexual Citizenship.
The Sources of Modern Ethics: Religious and/or Secular?
Selected recent publications
In English:
Perspectives on Homosexuals' Social standing or against Reductionism, forthcoming, Nora.
Queering the Family: Critical Reflections on state-regulated Heteronormativity in the Scandinavian Countries, lambda nordica, 3-4, 2002 (ISSN 1100-2573).
Feminist Politics after Poststructuralism'. Dept. of Social Sciences, University of Roskilde, Working Paper Series, 14, 2000 (ISSN 1399-1396).
In Danish:
Poststrukturalismer. Videnskabsteori, analysestrategi, kritik (Poststructuralisms. Philosophy of Science, Strategy of Analyses, Critique. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur 2006 (ISBN 87-593-1198-3).
Kønnet vi tænker, kønnet vi gør (The gender we think, the gender we do). Institut for Sociologi, Københavns Universitet, Ph.d.-afhandling, Ph.d.-serie, 7, 1998 (ISBN 87-7296-172-4).
Køn i skolen. Poststrukturalistiske temaer og tilgange (Gender in the School. Poststructuralist Themes and Approaches), forthcoming, Unge Pædagoger.
Homoseksuelles medborgerskab i et retfærdighedsperspektiv, forthcoming, Kvinder, Køn & Forskning.
Køn, 'onde cirkler' og (dis)empowerment. Om samfundsmæssige og personlige betydninger af voldtægt (Gender, 'vicious circles', and (dis)empowerment. On societal and personal perspectives on rape (i samarbejde med Bodil Pedersen), Psyke & Logos, 1(27), 2006 (ISBN 87-7706-4836).
Feministisk teori. Videnskabsteoretiske positioner (Feminist theory - positions in philosophy of science), in Olsen, P.B. & L. Fuglsang (eds): Videnskabsteori i samfundsvidenskaberne. På tværs af fagkulturer og paradigmer. Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2004 (2.edition) (ISBN 87-78-67278-3).
Den politiserede tokønnethed (The politicized two-sex model), GRUS, 69 (24), 2003 (ISBN 87-61608610).
Videnskabsteoretiske positioner i samfundsvidenskabelig, feministisk teori (Positions in feminist Philosophy of Science), in Olsen, P.B. & L. Fuglsang (eds): Videnskabsteori i samfundsvidenskaberne. På tværs af fagkulturer og paradigmer. Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2003 (1.edition) (ISBN 87-7867-254-6)
Magtens subjekt og subjektets magt. Poststrukturalistiske perspektiver på (det kønnede) subjekt (The subject of power and the power of the subject. Poststructuralist perspectives on (the gendered) subject), Kvinneforskning, 3 (26), 2002 (ISSN 0806-6256).
Stil som social identitetsmarkør - en flerperspektivistisk tilgang til unges stil (Style as a sign of social identity - a multiperspectival approach to style among young people), Dansk Sociologi, 1 (13), 2002 (ISSN 0905-5908).
Identitets- eller postidentitetspolitik? Homoseksuelle, pluralistiske velfærdssamfund og demokratisk seksualpolitik (Identity- or post-identity politics? Homosexuals, pluralistic welfare societies and democratic sexual politics), lambda nordica, 4 (7), 2001 (ISSN 1100-2573).
Poststrukturalisme på arbejde i kvalitativ, empirisk forskning: Videnskabsfilosofi og metode i en undersøgelse af unges kønnede identiteter (Poststructuralism at work in qualitative, empirical research. Philosophy of science and method in research into gendered identities of young people), in Pedersen, K.P. & L.D. Nielsen (eds): Kvalitative metoder - fra metateori til markarbejde. Frederiksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 2001 (ISBN 87-7867-128-0).
Konsumption som kommunikation. Individualisering og symbolformidlet identitet (Consumption as communication. Individualization and symbolically mediated identity), in Johansson, T. & F. Miegel (eds): Mardrömmar och Önskedrömmar. Om ungdom och ungdomlighet i Nittiotalets Sverige. Stockholm/Stehag: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag, Symposion, 1994 (ISBN 91-7139-220-3).
Konsumptionsmani eller et signal om modernisering? Kulturel konsumption, køn og individualisering (Mania of consumption, or a sign of modernization? Cultural consumption, gender and individualization), Tendens, 2 (4), 1992 (ISSN 0905-3522).
'det er sådan splittet'. Om køn og senmoderne ambivalenser ('it's somehow divided'. On gender and late modern ambivalences), Nordisk Pedagogik, 3 (12), 1992 (ISSN 0901-8050).
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Konferencebidrag › Konferenceabstrakt til konference › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Anmeldelse › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
08/09/2020 → 07/10/2024
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Stormhøj, C. & Person, U.
15/09/2017 → 14/09/2021
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Stormhøj, C., Stoltz, P., Halsaa, B., Mulinari, D. & Keskinen, S.
The Nordic Council of Ministers (Nordic Information on Gender), Swedish Research Council
01/01/2016 → 31/12/2017
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Christel Stormhøj (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Organisation og deltagelse i konference
Christel Stormhøj (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Organisation og deltagelse i konference
Christel Stormhøj (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Organisation og deltagelse i konference
Christel Stormhøj (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Organisation og deltagelse i konference
Christel Stormhøj (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Organisation og deltagelse i konference
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1 element af Mediedækning