- 3 resultater
Best paper in track award: "A cautionary tale: How co-constructed work obligations lead to ICT-related technostress"
Stana, Raluca Alexandra (Modtager) & Nicolajsen, Hanne Westh (Modtager), jan. 2021
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
Best paper in track award: "I was struggling with my own guilt for not being able to log in."Technostressfull constructions of obligation in the digitalized workplace"
Stana, Raluca Alexandra (Modtager), 2020
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser
"Rising star of the year" nomination by Nordic Women in Tech Awards
Stana, Raluca Alexandra (Modtager), 2022
Pris: Priser, stipendier, udnævnelser