Billede af Ole Torp Lassen

Ole Torp Lassen

cand.scient. & ph.d.

  • Universitetsvej 1, 10.1

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personlig profil



  • (spring 2018) Co-teacher of computer science and Informatics subject module course: "Software Engineering" (undergraduate)
  • (spring 2018) Co-teacher computer science master module course: "Robotics" (graduate)
  • (fall 2017) Co-teacher of  computer science and informatics subject module course: "Software Engineering" (undergraduate)
  • (spring 2017) Co-teacher of co-teacher of computer science and Informatics subject module course: "Modelling and knowledge management"  (undergraduate)
  • (fall 2016) Co-teacher Comuter science master module course: "Robotics" (graduate)
  • (Spring 2016) Teaching assitant, Teknologiske Systemer & Artefakter II – Kunstig Intelligens i Interaktive Systemer (undergraduate)
  • (spring 2009) Teaching assistant on Computer science and informativs subject module course ( course:  "Introduction to Graphics and Animation"  (undergradute)

Project Supervisor

  • (spring 2019) "Cryptology and Cryptoanalyis in Practice"
  • (fall 2018) "Meassuring the Impact of Science dissemniation"
  • (spring 2018) "Application of face recognition using neural network to complement security of card payment verifications" 
  • (fall 2017) "Machine Learning applied to facial recognition"
  • (spring 2017) "Anvendelse af Biofeedback til reduktion af stress"
  • (spring 2016) "Offline SLAM  using Lego Mindstorms and Kalman-filters in LeJos"
  • (spring 2016) "Robots, Knowledge Reasoning and Behavior"
  • (spring 2015) "Artificial Bee Colony Simulation"
  • (fall 2014) "Soundwaves: A Computer's Guide to the Human Language"
  • (spring 2010) "Colored Balls", (Machine learning, robotics, color-recognition)
  • (spring 2009) "Machine Learning, Stochastic Context-Free  Grammars and Neural Networks"
  • (spring 2009) "Modelling Particle Systems in Java  3D"


  • (2015-2019) Class coordinator: the international bachelor programme in the natural sciences at Roskilde University



  • PhD project: Biosequence Analysis in PRISM. My PhD project is supervised by Henning Christiansen. It falls within the larger LoSt project and concerns itself with the ongoing conduct and documentation of a series of explorative experiments with stochastic logic models and problems formulated in the PRISM programming language. The PRISM system is basically BProlog extended with probabilistic variables and builtin tools for probabilistic learning and reasoning. In close collaboration with experts from molecular biology and bioinformatics (Ole Skovgaard and Søren Mørk), I plan to contribute to the overall goal of the LoSt project by designing and documenting experiments with the PRISM system and relevant bio informatical problems of discovering, recognizing and predicting structure in biological sequence data.


Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Datalogi, PhD, Compositionality in probabilistic logic modelling for biological sequence analysis, Roskilde Universitet

1 nov. 20071 nov. 2010

Dimissionsdato: 1 feb. 2012

Datalogi, Cand. Scient, Skimming for Context, Københavns Universitet

… → 2006

Dimissionsdato: 1 dec. 2006

Eksterne ansættelser

Postdoc, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie

1 apr. 201331 aug. 2031