Personlig profil
I min forskning er jeg optaget af to dimensioner af antropologisk og samfundsvidenskabelig forskning inden for sundhedsområdet. Den ene interesse omhandler studier af omsorg og det nære relationelle arbejde mellem sundhedsprofessionelle og patienter. Min anden store interesse vedrører digitale og sociale teknologier i sundhedsvæsenet med et særligt fokus på digitaliseringsprocesser og implementering i ældreplejen i Danmark.
I mit ph.d.-projekt kombinerer jeg disse to forskningsområder ved at sætte fokus på, hvordan digitalt dokumentations- og dataarbejde har betydning for omsorgsfaglighed og menneskelige relationer på danske plejehjem. Jeg er således interesseret i, hvordan udbredte digitale teknologier skaber nye vilkår for den sidste levetid for de ældre borgere, der modtager offentlig pleje og omsorg.
Jeg er Ph.D. studerende ved Institut for Mennesker og Teknologi, og en del af ph.d.-programmet ’Sundhed og Samfund’ og ansat som Erhvervs-ph.d.-studerende i Sundhed- og omsorgsforvaltningen i Københavns Kommune, hvor mit projekt tager udgangspunkt.
Jeg er uddannet antropolog fra Institut for Antropologi, Københavns Universitet i 2021 med specialisering i medicinsk antropologi.
My research is concerned with two dimensions of anthropological research within the health care sector. One interest concerns studies of care and the close relational work between health professionals and patients. My other main interest is digital and social technologies in health care, with a particular focus on digitization processes and implementation in elderly care in Denmark.
In my PhD project, I combine these two areas of research by focusing on how digital documentation and data work affect professional care and human relations in Danish nursing homes. I am thus interested in how widespread digital technologies create new conditions for the last life of elderly citizens in public care.
I am a Ph.D. student at the Department of People and Technology, part of the Ph.D. program 'Health and Society' and employed as an Industrial Ph.D. student at the Health and Care Administration in the Municipality of Copenhagen, where my project has its empirical outspring.
I graduated as an anthropologist from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen in 2021 with a specialization in medical anthropology
My research is concerned with two dimensions of anthropological research within the health care sector. One interest concerns studies of care and the close relational work between health professionals and patients. My other main interest is digital and social technologies in health care, with a particular focus on digitization processes and implementation in elderly care in Denmark.
In my PhD project, I combine these two areas of research by focusing on how digital documentation and data work affect professional care and human relations in Danish nursing homes. I am thus interested in how widespread digital technologies create new conditions for the last life of elderly citizens in public care.
I am a Ph.D. student at the Department of People and Technology, part of the Ph.D. program 'Health and Society' and employed as an Industrial Ph.D. student at the Health and Care Administration in the Municipality of Copenhagen, where my project has its empirical outspring.
I graduated as an anthropologist from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen in 2021 with a specialization in medical anthropology
Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)
Antropologi, Kandidatgrad, Institut for Antropologi
Dimissionsdato: 1 maj 2021
Antropologi, Bachelorgrad, Institut for Antropologi
Dimissionsdato: 1 jul. 2018
Eksterne ansættelser
Underviser, Institut for Antropologi
1 jul. 2021 → 1 feb. 2023
Studentermedhjælper, Trygfondens Børneforskningscenter, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus Universitet