Personlig profil


Hi! My name is Matt. My core area of research is in Futures and Foresight Science. This area of research investigates planning tools such as scenario analysis, horizon scanning, innovation forecasting, technology roadmapping, systems modelling, structural analysis, Delphi studies, prediction markets, trend auditing, cross-impact analysis, morphological analysis, stress-testing and wind-tunnelling, and intelligence dashboards. These tools all have underpinning assumptions and produce different futures in the present. We can come to know these tools and improve upon them as we observe their application in practice. STS, or the Sociology of Science and Technology, provides the lens from which inquiry is conducted on these tools and the groups that use them.

These tools are useful for producing answers to the question: “What is the future of X?” Where “X” can be just about anything of interest: From organizations to technologies, sectors, or social movements. Tool application to various topics and areas of concern are in high demand from private organizations to policy makers, and I often consult and facilitate with clients and in projects that leverages my knowledge of the foresight toolbox in research project modules to help groups generate knowledge and insights about the futures they are interested in.  

My second area of interest is in innovation, strategy, and policymaking in the maritime and offshore industries. These sectors are investing heavily in technology and developing rapidly. They are also among the most difficult to decarbonize and electrify. I’ve got a large network of industry contacts from this sector with whom I collaborate with on research projects and student projects.

I serve on the editorial board at Futures and Foresight Science and curate a Youtube playlist, “Futures and Foresight Papers Explained” which can be accessed here. I've also developed a Youtube playlist on maritime innovation, "Sustainable Blue Growth," here.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Future of Blue Economies, Postdoc, Future of Blue Economies, Aarhus Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 30 okt. 2022

Scenario Planning in Practice: Empirical philosophy, social foundations, paradox, and definitions, Ph.d., Scenario Planning in Practice: Empirical philosophy, social foundations, paradox, and definitions, Roskilde Universitet

Dimissionsdato: 15 dec. 2017


  • Ledelse, Organisation, Erhvervsøkonomi, Virksomhedsøkonomi


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