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ph.d. & dr.scient.soc.
Universitetsvej 1, 26.0
DK-4000 Roskilde
See the CV below
Research field: My major research interest is global transformation and processes of late economic development with a particular emphasis on the Far East. I work with theories of globalisation, theories of the developmental state and broader institutional theory. I have specialised in late industrialisation in Taiwan and Thailand – with a special focus on the role of the state in their industrial upgrading processes. Lately. I have worked on Emerging Economic Powers (China) and their regional/global impact, with a particular emphasis on China's Silk Roads project (SRI/OBOR).
Teaching field: I have taught in the broad field of socio-economic development in developing countries in a global perspective. This includes among other the following issues or themes: globalisation, new international division of labour, transnational companies, global value chains, regionalisation, global governance, global inequality, NICs, industrial strategies, industrial transformation, financial crisis, developmental states, weak states, good governance, institutional capacity and policy cycles.
Name: Laurids S. Lauridsen
Home address: Kongebakken 1, DK-4000 Roskilde.
Institutional affiliation:Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, 23.2, P.O. Box 260, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, Tel.: +45-46742017 E-mail: [email protected]
Formal Education: M.Sc. (Political Science), Aarhus University, 1979, Ph.D./Licentiatgrad (Geography), Roskilde University, 1986, Habilitation degree (dr. scient.soc.) Roskilde University 2008
Employment record:
October 2018: Professor Emeritus, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University
2016 to 2018: Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University
2006 to 2016: Professor, Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University.
2003 to 2006: Professor, Department of Geography and International Development Studies, Roskilde University.
2001 to 2003: Research professor, same Department
1986 to 2001: Associate professor, same Department
1985 to 1986: Research Assistant, International Development Studies, Roskilde University.
1982 to 1985: Research Fellow, Department of Geography, Socio-economic Analysis and Computer Science,Roskilde University.
1980 to 1982: Assistant Professor, same Department.
1979 to 1980: Civilian military service.
Administrative responsibilities at RUC:
2016 to 2017: Research group leader
2012 to 2016: Research Director for the Global Dynamics Research Initiative
2006 to 2011: Research group leader
2009 to 2010: Director of the Graduate School of International Development Studies
1987 to 2006: Member, Academic Committee, Department of Geography, Socio-Economic Analysis and Computer Science/Department of Geography and International Development Studies, Roskilde University.
1994 to 2006: Deputy Head of the Department of Geography and International Development Studies/Head of the International Development Section.
1991 to 1993: Member, Governing Board (Konsistorium), Roskilde University.
1988 to 1989: Member, Study Council for International Development Studies, Roskilde University.
1986 to 1989 and 1993 to 1994: Chairman, Internship Committee, International Development Studies.
Visiting Scholarships:
October 2012: Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Aug. 1999 to August 2000: Visiting Scholar at International and Area Studies, University of Berkeley, California, USA
September to November 1997: Visiting Scholar at Institute for National Policy Research (INPR) and Programme for Southeast Asia (PROSEA), Academia Sinica, Taiwan
October to December 1996: Visiting Scholar at the Social Research Institute (CUSRI),Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Selected external assignments:
2017 to 2018: Member of Evaluation Panel in Development Research, The Swedish Research Council
2010 to 2016: Chairman of the Board of the Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS)
2009 to 2011: Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT)
2009 to 2012: Member of the Board of the Danish Centre for Human Rights and International Studies (DCISM)
2005 to 2008: Member of the Programming Committee for Globalisation and Marginalisation, The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
2004 to 2012: Member of the Governing Board of the Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT)
1998 to 2005: Member of the editorial committee of Forum for Development Studies, NUPI, Oslo.
2014 to present:External Examiner, Public Administration, Aalborg University
1994 to 2010: External examiner, Department of Geography, Copenhagen University
1993 to present:External examiner (censor), Political Sciences, Aarhus University and Copenhagen University
1995 to 1999: Deputy chairman, The Board of Centre for Development Research, Copenhagen
1987 to 1990: Chairman, the Danish Association of Development Researchers (FAU)
1988 to 1989: Member, the National Committee for Internationalisation of the Danish Education System, Ministry of Education
1974 to 1976: Member, editorial board of POLITICA (a journal of Political Science).
Research activities
2015 to present: Research on The internationalisation of China's Economy and Overseas Infrastructure Export (OBOR)
2008 to 2015 Research on Globalisation and Developmental Governance with an emphasis on the role of policies, institutions and politics
1999 to 2008: Research on Globalisation - Changing global and regional conditions for weak states in less developed countries - industrial transformation in Southeast Asia. Field research in Thailand during January 2001. Funding from the Danish Social Science Research Council
1994 to 2005: Participation in research collaboration - "Political and Cultural Institutions in Development"- between International Development Studies, Roskilde, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, and Centre for Basic Research, Kampala on "Institutional frameworks for industrial development". Funding from the ENRECA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1994 to 1998: Research on institutional frameworks for industrial development in Taiwan and Thailand. Shorter research contact visits to Thailand, January 1993. Field research in Thailand October-December 1996. Field research in Taiwan September-October 1997. Funding from the Danish Research Council for Developing Countries.
1991 to 1995: Research on industrial relations and the labour market in Taiwan. Field research in Hong Kong and Taiwan, August 1991. Research presentation in Taiwan, March 1992.
1988 to 1991: Research on foreign investments and export-led industrialisation in South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines
1985 to 1987: Research on the Newly Industrializing Countries (NICs) in a changing world economy, with a case study of Taiwan. Field research in Taiwan 1983. The final PhD report was printed in two volumes (820 pages) in l985
PhD students
Consultancy assignments:
2017: Member of External Assessment Committee for Development Studies, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akerhus (HiOA)
1997: Consultant on an Assessment of UNIDO (Capacity Development for Sustainable Industrial Development under Changed Conditions) for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida
1993: Consultant on a desk study for the Danish Ministry of Industry on how to promote Danish commercial interests in the Far East (South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia)
Teaching Price: Best supervisor 2007, Roskilde University, ("Den Gyldne Kaffekande).
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Review
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Bidrag til avis - Avisartikel
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Bidrag til avis - Avisartikel
Lauridsen, L. S. (Redaktør)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Lauridsen, L. S. (Redaktør)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Lauridsen, L. S. (Redaktør)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Lauridsen, L. S. (Redaktør)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Lauridsen, L. S. (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Andet
1 Mediebidrag